Your Recommendations

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Why We Are Recommending You These Gloves

Because you mentioned that your horse occasional exerts some force onto the reins, we think durable gloves with great grip are the best choice here.

The main differences between the gloves are:

– Rodrigo and Ladies Finest are made of leather, the other two ouf of synthetic.
Leather has the advantage of usually being more comfortable. Also, leather gloves are thinner while usually being more durable than synthetic gloves. Therefore, feeling and control of the reins are often better.
Synthetic has the benefit that it is machine washable at 30°C and that the initial purchasing price is lower. Also, full leather gloves need to be worn in a bit (similar to leather shoes).

-Ladies Finest and Rodrigo have Pittards Oiltacâ„¢ adhesive leather in the palm. This guarantees perfect grip in any weather condition.

– A touch of Magic Tack comes with the beloved switchable patch system. It enables riders to effortlessly individualize their riding gloves. The patches are made with Swarovski stones.